Your Health & the Hazards of Sitting Incorrectly Too Long

The Big News on sites now is about the studies done on the hazards of sitting for prolonged periods of time and how it affects your health.

I have read and written articles on what long hours of sitting can do to the body’s posture.  Here is a great depiction of when you don’t sit with correct posture and the eventual degeneration of your health.!

All is correctable if you pay attention to how you sit.  When you get tired, your posture begins to change.  That is what can and will eventually lead to health issues.  Your Posture is everything for good health. So Get Up and Move.   The body responds well to movement and the more you get up and stretch, drink water to rehydrate those muscles, the the more ease and comfort your body will perform for you.  It increases productivity  and clarity of mind.

Here are some other charts that show what happens to the spine when out of alignment, nervous system, organs, muscles and the symptoms that arise from incorrect posture.  How you sit affects how everything works and runs 100%.  Just “Sitting” should not be taken for granted.  It can change your quality of health and life.


Spinal Nerves Innervation & Possible Symptoms When Misaligned

Spinal Nerves Innervation & Possible Symptoms When Misaligned

Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous Systems

Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous Systems

Kate Montgomery – Prof. Kinesiology Practitioner/Author/ERGOhealthy Consultant